Program Director, MSOT / Associate Director, Division of Occupational Therapy / Associate ProfessorLocation:
(540) 542-6547Email: cvictor@ashtech-oem.com
Employed Since:
2016Educational History:
Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University; M.O.T., University of Texas Health Science Center; B.S., James Madison University
Professional Highlights:
Professional Highlights:
Received a James R. and Mary B. Wilkins Appreciation Award in 2023.
Selected to be a Transformative Teaching and Learning Fellow for the 2023-2024 academic year to examine student feedback at the graduate level.
Received Single Discipline Faculty Development Grant for 2016-2017 to support my scholarly activities at the American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, March 29- April 2, 2017 in Philadelphia, PA.
Selected out of more than 300 research posters to present in Young Scientist Theater to give young scientists a special opportunity to present their research to a larger audience at the American Occupational Therapy Association Conference on April 5, 2019 in New Orleans, LA.
2023 Victor, C. M., Shanholtz, C.F. Course Planning Template for New Faculty. Deeper Learning Journal of Practice, Vol 2.
2020 Victor, C., Haase, M., Bown, M., Bates, L., Centra, M., Sachlaben, J., Tyson, E., Gamber, M., & Alibhai, S.
Well-being and mental health factors in caregivers of individuals with visual impairments.
Visibility, 14(2), 1-15.
2017 Victor, C. M., Thacker, L. R., Gary, K. W., Pawluk, D. T. V., & Copolillo, A.
Workplace discrimination and visual impairment: A comparison of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission charges and resolutions under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act.
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 111(5), 475-482.
2023 “Demonstration of Knowledge through Assessments of Practical Skills” at Innovation Summit for Health Professions Education; Virtual
2023 “Supporting the Mental Health and Wellness of Our Students” at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy; Blacksburg, VA
2022 “Addressing Mental Health and Wellness of Students in Distance Education” at Innovation Summit for Health Professions; Virtual
2022 “Hybrid Teaching & Learning Environments: Strategies for Graduate Students” at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy; Blacksburg, VA
2020 “Well-Being and Mental Health Factors in Caregivers of Individuals with Visual Impairments” Envision University; Virtual
2019 “Perspectives of OTs Regarding Use of Standardized Assessments To Distinguish Levels of Evaluation in a Skilled-Nursing Facility”
Poster Presentation: American Occupational Therapy Association; New Orleans, LA
2019 “Perspectives of OTs Regarding Use of Standardized Assessments To Distinguish Levels of Evaluation in a Skilled-Nursing Facility”
Presentation at Young Scientist Theatre: American Occupational Therapy Association; New Orleans, LA
2017 “Assessing Perceived Work Discrimination from Visual Impairments after the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act Amendments Act” Invited Speaker: Envision University; Glendale, AZ
2017 “Workplace Discrimination and Visual Impairment: Still a concern following the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act” Invited Speaker: Envision University ; Glendale, AZ
2017 “Assessing perceived work discrimination from visual impairments after the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act”
Presentation: American Occupational Therapy Association; Philadelphia, PA
2017 “Workplace discrimination and visual impairment: Still a concern following the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008.” Poster Presentation: American Occupational Therapy Association; Philadelphia, PA