Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPronouns:
Health Professions BuildingEmail: amanda.gahlot@ashtech-oem.com
Educational History:
PhD, New York University; MS Occupational Therapy, Gannon University; BS Health Sciences, Gannon University
Professional Highlights:
Dr Gahlot has over 20 years of clinical experience in neurorehabilitation. She is Board Certified in Physical Rehabilitation, a reviewer for the AOTA Fellowship Program, and has numerous publications and presentations.
Primary research focus is investigations in the areas of occupational engagement in persons with acquired brain injury, with an interest in promoting resiliency to enhance both short- and long-term outcomes. Specifically, examining the unique role self-regulation plays an individual’s ability to re-engage in meaningful tasks.
Recommended Link(s):
Google Scholar for Publications: http://scholar.google.com/